The following are links to level appropriate videos of exercises that After School Players should work on weekly. These videos will assist in skill development. Each week a new video will be posted. Once players have worked on them to a point that they feel they have really improved, I encourage players to post videos of themselves performing the exercises onto the
F.C. New Orleans
Facebook page to let everyone see how they have improved.
The After School Videos are all in French. Not to worry if you do not speak French, it is easy to to follow.
8 May 2020
1 May 2020
23 April 2020
17 April 2020
Comment Dribbler
(How to dribble to keep the ball when being defended)
10 April 2020
Tir: Frapper du Plat de Pied
(Shooting: how to strike the ball with the side of the foot)
3 April 2020
Comment faire une passe court (How to make a short pass)