

The Pioneer Program represents the foundational level at FC NOLA. We begin at age 7 and can go up to age 12 depending upon the individual player.  Players are not encouraged to participate in matches until certain techniques and skills are attained in order to maximize the players confidence. The ideal time to enroll is at the ages of 7/8 and should move on into competitive play by age 10.  If you want to maximize your child's abilities in the their future, this is a must program to become a part of.  We host 2 sessions per week and play matches on Saturdays.

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Competitive Play is the most recognizable part about Youth Soccer.  FC NOLA has developed a certain style of play that maximizes its players potential to fit onto any team in the world.  The beauty of soccer is that there is no physical prototypical player that cannot reach the highest levels.  Soccer is a Technique and Skill sport.  The FC NOLA methodology has allowed our graduates to gain positions into top leagues in Europe, North America and Central America.  Commitment and desire is what we hope to find in both families and players.  If the family is not committed then the player will not be successful.


Goalkeepers can make or break a team.  FC NOLA methodology emphasizes keeper skill development once a player starts to play on any team that plays teams outside the club.



FC NOLA is unique in that we actively seek opportunities for our players to pursue collegiate scholarships and professional tryouts.  If you want to have a real chance to pursue collegiate and/or professional level of play and not spend an exorbitant amount of money doing it, join FC NOLA as young as possible.  You will see the difference within 6 weeks of joining.